Important papers relating to tidal analysis and station results
Tidal theory
Melchior P., 1983: The Tides of the Planet Earth, Oxford, Pergamon Press.
Wilhelm, H., Zürn, W., 1984: Tides of the earth. In Landolt-Bjönstein, New Series V, vol.2 Geophysics of the earth, the moon and the planets,259-299, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-New York- Tokyo 1984.
Tide generating potential
Dahlen, F. A., 1993: Effect of the Earth’s ellipticity on the lunar tidal potential. Geophs. Journ. Int. 113, 1993.
Hartmann T., Wenzel H.G., 1995: Catalogue HW95 of the tide generating potential. Bull. Inf. Marées Terrestres, 123,9278-9301,
Kudryavtsev, S., 2004: Improved harmonic development of the Earth tide generating potential. Journal of Geodesy, 2004, 7(12), 829-838.
Tamura, Y., 1987: A harmonic development of the tide-generating potential, Bull. d’Inform. Marées Terrestres, 99, 6813-6855,
Varga, P., 1983: Potential free Love numbers. Manuscripta Geodetica 8. Springer Verlag Berlin, 1983.
Wenzel H.G., 1997: Tide Generating Potential for the Earth. Tidal Phenomena, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Helmut Wilhelm, Walter Zürn and Hans-Georg Wenzel editors, 66, 9-26.
Wilhelm, H., 1983: Earth’s flattening effect on the forcing field. Journ. Of Geophs. 52, 1983.
Pole and LOD tides
Brzezinski, A., Rajner, M., 2013: Estimation of the Chandler wobble parameters by the use of the Kalman deconvolution filter. Proceedings of the Journées 2013 “Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels”: Scientific developments from highly accurate space-time reference systems, Observatoire de Paris, 16-18 September 2013, Edited by Nicole Capitaine, ISBN 978-2-901057-69-7, p. 189-192.
Gross, R.S., 1992: Correspondence between theory and observations of polar motion. Geophs. Journ. Int. 109, 1992.
Earth models
Dehant, V., 1987: Tidal Parameters for an Inelastic Earth. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 49, 97-116, 1987.
Dehant, V., Defraigne, P., Wahr, J.M., 1999: Tides for a convective Earth. Journ. Geophys. Res., Vol.104, NO. B1,1999.
Wang, R., 1994: Effect of rotation and ellipticity on earth tides. Geophys. J.Int.(1994) 117.
Zschau, J., Wang, R., 1981: Imperfect elasticity in the Earth’s mantle. Implications for Earth tides and long period deformations. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Earth Tides, New York 1981, editor J.T. Kuo, Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 1981.
Theoretical basis of tidal analysis
Schueller K., 2015: Theoretical basis for Earth Tide analysis with the new ETERNA34-ANA-V4.0 program. Bull.Inf. Marées Terrestres, 149, 12024-12061.Tahiti 2015,
Schueller, K., 2019: Theoretical basis for Earth tide analysis and prediction. Manual-01-ET34-X-V72, Surin 2019.
Tidal Analysis Methods
Ducarme B., 2011.: The K1 triplet: Can Lunar nodal waves contribute to the study of the Free Core Nutation (FCN)? Bull.Inf. Marées Terrestres, 147, 11891-11902.
Ducarme, B., Schueller, K.: Canonical Wave Grouping as the Key to Optimal Tidal Analysis. Bull.Inf. Marees Terrestres, 150, 12131-12244. Tahiti 2018,
Munk, W., Hasselmann, K., 1964: Super-resolution of tides. Studies on Oceanography 1964.
Schüller, K., 1976: Ein Beitrag zur Auswertung von Erdgezeitenregistrierungen. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe C Heft Nr. 227, München 1976.
Schueller K., 1979: A Proposal For Modelling The Body Tide Of Gravity And Tilt. Bull.Inf. Marées Terrestres, 81, 4951-4954. Bruxelles 1979,
Schueller, K., 1979: Time variant tidal estimators-Design and interpretation as performed in the HYCON-Method. Bulletin d’Informations Marees Terrestres, vol. 81, Bruxelles 1979,
Schüller, K., Wenzel, H.-G., Zürn, W., 1979: Analysis of simulated nonlinear systems driven by tides. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe B Heft Nr. 231, München 1979.
Wenzel H.G., 1997: Analysis of Earth Tide Observations. Tidal Phenomena, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Helmut Wilhelm, Walter Zürn and Hans-Georg Wenzel editors, 66, 59-76.
Zhou J. C., Sun H. P., Ducarme B., 2007. Validating the synthetic tidal gravity parameters with superconducting gravimeter observations. Bull. Inf. Marées Terrestres, 143, 11489-11497,
Ocean loading
Agnew D.C., 2015: Earth Tides, Chap. 3-06 in: G. Schubert (ed.) Treatise on Geophysics, 2nd ed., Elsevier B.V. 2015. ISBN: 978-0-444-53803-1.
Baker T.F., Bos M.S., 2003: Validating Earth and ocean tide models using tidal gravity measurements. Geophys. J. Int. (2003), 152, 468- 485.
Boy, J.-P., Llubes, M., Ray, R., Hinderer, J., Florsch N., Rosat, S., Lyard, F., Letellier, T., 2004: Non-linear oceanic tides observed by superconducting gravimeters in Europe. Journal of Geodynamics, 38 (3-5), 391-405.
Ducarme B., Zhou J. C., Sun H. P., 2007: Evaluation of M4 ocean tide loading inside the GGP network. Bull. Inf. Marées Terrestres, 143, 11473-11488,
Merriam, J. B., 1995: Non-linear tides observed with the superconducting gravimeter. Geophy. J.Int. (1995), 123: 529–540.
D’Oreye N., Zuern W., 2006: Quarter diurnal tides observed with a long-base water-tube-tiltmeter in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. J. Geodynamics, 41, 175-182.
Rossiter, J.R., Lennon G.W., 1968: An intensive analysis of shallow water tides. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 16, 3, 275-293. Geophysical Journal International DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1968.tb00223.x.
Station results
Calvo M., Hinderer J., Rosat S., Legros H., Boy J.-P., Ducarme B., Zuern W., 2013: Time stability of spring and superconducting gravimeters through the analysis of very long gravity records. Proc. 17th Int. Symp. On Earth Tides, Warsaw, 15-19 April 2013. S. Pagiatakis ed., J. Geodynamics, 80, 20-33. DOI : 10.1016/j.jog.2014.04.009.
Crossley D., J. Hinderer, G. Casula, O. Francis, H.T. Hsu, Y. Imanishi, G. Jentzsch, J. Kaariainen, J. Merriam, B. Meurers, J. Neumeyer, B. Richter, K. Shibuya, T. Sato, T. Van Dam, 1999: Network of Superconducting Gravimeters Benefits a Number of Disciplines, EOS, 80,121,125-126.
Habel B., Meurers B., 2014: A new tidal analysis of superconducting gravity observations in Western and Central Europe. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Vol. 44/1, 2014 (1–24).
Meurers B., Van Camp M., Francis O., Palinkas V., 2016: Temporal variation of tidal parameters in superconducting gravimeter time-series. Geoph. J. Int., 205,284-300. DOI: 10.1093.
Ruotsalainen H., 2017: Interferometric Water Level Tilt Meter Development in Finland and Comparison with Combined Earth Tide and Ocean Loading Models.Pure Appl. Geophys.2017. DOI 10.1007/s00024-017-1562-6.
Schueller, K., 2019: Installation Guide. Manual-03-ETA34-X-V71-Installation-Guide, Surin 2019.
Schueller, K., 2019: User’s Guide. Manual-02-ET34-ANA-V71, Surin 2019.
Wenzel, H.G., 1996: The nanogal software: earth tide data preprocessing package. Bull. Inf. Marées Terrestres, 124,9425-9439,