3.1 Parameter estimation
- Maximum resolution LS estimators for all parameters of the functional model.
- Minimum leakage LS estimators for all parameters of the functional model.
- Estimation of tidal parameters of different potential degrees and orders.
- Estimation of tidal parameters meeting oceanographic definitions and conventions
- Correlation analysis of selected parameters by the “SPECTRAL CORRELATION VIEWER (SCV)” with graphic support.
- Calculation of the “Correlation RMSE Amplifier (CRA)” of each tidal and non-tidal wave group.
- Assessment of optimal wave grouping by means of the CRAs.
- Iterative analysis procedure to “whiten” the residuals.
3.2 Reduction mode processing by means of PASSGROUPS and STOPGROUPS
- Reduction of the observations by channels with predefined reduction factors prior to analysis.
- Pre-processing analysis of tidal observations to yield reduced observations containing unmodelled signals, noise and a groups of signals defined as Pass Groups ( example: only the long periodic signals for subsequent analysis). The resulting data file is of type *.pas in the ETERNA data format.
- Pre-processing analysis of tidal observations to subtract a defined group of signals, the Stop Groups (example: signals beyond a certain frequency to avoid aliasing when increasing the sampling interval). The resulting data file is of type *.stp in the ETERNA data format.
3.3 “High Resolution Spectral Analyser (HRSA)”
- Domain-wise analysing the residuals.
- Estimating and presenting residual spectra together with their signal to noise ratios to detect hidden signals.
- Deriving spectral information for frequency-dependent RMSEs and confidence intervals.
3.4 Residual vector information
- Calculation of residual vectors B (B, beta) for all modelled main Earth tide constituents as difference of the (observed=analysed) tidal parameters and those derived from the chosen Earth model.
- Calculation of mean load vectors L (L, lambda) based on different ocean models and processing Greenwich and local tidal phase lags/leads.
- Calculation of ocean load corrected amplitude factors and phase shifts for the main tidal constituents.
- Calculation of residual vectors x (x, chi) based on the ocean load corrected observed tidal parameters and those of the provided Earth models for the main tidal wave groups.
- Consistency check by comparing the load vectors L from ocean models with the residual vectors B of the analysis.
- Comparing the ocean corrected amplitude factors with those of the Earth models implemented.
3.5 Miscellaneous Information enhancements
- Thorough parameterization (*.ini) for gaining utmost flexibility for Earth tide analysis and prediction.
- Comprehensive consistency checks on syntax, domains, and inter parameter rules for the parameters in *.ini.
- Analysing regression channels with the functional model of Earth tides prior to Earth tide analysis.
- Enhanced block/gap management (minimum block lengths, automated elimination of blocks).
- Providing online graphic presentation support for a better interpretation of the analysis results by the open source SIMDEM/SIMFIT package.
- Flexible output parameters to control the flow of information.
- Support of nano radiant dimension for tilt.